Thursday, January 31, 2008


dimana sharlinie?hanya tuhan yg tahu..sama2 la kt berdoa..Toll-free Hotline: 1-800-88-Lini or 1-800-88-5464. Was there a full moon out last night ‘cos I sure have come across a bunch of lunatics (lunar as in moon, geddit?) since my last post yesterday? This morning an impatient driver insisted on honking his car horn like the world was ending because I got caught in that no man’s land in the middle of a small but congested access road in the little Taman where I live. I was easing my way out of a corner when a taxi sped in front of me from the left lane making me stall in the middle with an oncoming car from the right lane. No one would give way so I was stuck and that idiot on my right was so noisy that I had to give him my middle finger salute. Come on, the road was a tight fit as students park their cars on both sides. He could have understood my predicament and both the taxi and him could have given a fat lady some leeway so she could ease herself out of a tight spot with some dignity you’d think. But no, not these Malaysian males.

Then this morning I get a commentor on my blog insulting everything Malay. Sorry guy, I deleted your comment. It’s my blog and I prefer to dialogue with decent people. Go post your comment on other like-minded blogs. Oh and by the way, if you are such a superior Muslim of Arab descent, WTF are you doing posting a comment on a nobody’s little blog like mine? Go for the pros bro. Hey Malaysia is a free country man, even bozos like you get to live here.

And then I found this real charmer on Youtube here who posted a photo of Sharlinie with this message: “Mungkin dia marah sebab kes budak ini dihebahkan ke media dan kpd ‘political superiors’, sila lepaskan budak itu tanpa mencederakan beliau…(tapi dah cedera pun lepaskanlah jugak…) Oklah..tak jahat, cuma nakal aje..Lepaskan budak ini bukan sebab disuruh atau takut kpd hukuman/tindakan, tapi sebab nak lepaskan dia…Kembalilah ke pangkal otak…Sy cuma nak tolong…Sesapa nampak budak ini sekiranya dilepaskan dimana2, sila serahkan ke mana2 Balai Polis terdekat..Mungkin sy dpt membantu dgn cara ini dan juga dptlah duit ganjaran sikit…sekian Saya rasa mungkin, mungkinlah, kalau tak didedahkan ke media budak nie dilepaskan oleh orang yg ambil dia dalam 48 jam….” Can someone hold me please ‘cos I feel like punching this person. Seriously, do you think that had the media not publicised this case that Nini would have been released in 48 hours? The media did not widely publicise Nurin’s disappearance until almost a week later and she was not returned within 48 hours as he so smugly predicts, so WTF is he talking about? This person see’s fit to joke about this? I’m not a YouTube member so I can’t comment on his post. If anyone has strong thoughts about this, please feel free to leave your comments on YouTube.

Well, I can’t assume all these things happened because of a full moon and if anyone wants a real discussion about the moon, read it here. Reading the long and detailed argument alone ought to keep you occupied. In the meantime, there is no news of Sharlinie and more lunacy is in store for Nurin with a thinly veiled episode in a Gerak Khas drama as Jasni writes here. I really can’t understand how people can be so insensitive. Mohd Fadli Yusof or Pendita_Alam, a commentor on Jasni’s blog said: “Bagi saya drama tersebut tidak sepatutnya ditayangkan dalam keadaan kes belum dapat diselesaikan, lebih2 lagi dalam keadaan kanak2 yang hilang belum ditemui. Bimbang jika penjenayah kan bertindak lebih kejam kepada mangsa…”

The release of Ben Afleck’s movie ”Gone Baby Gone” was indefinitely delayed due to public outcry and concerns over the still missing Madeleine McCann here. And did you know that another little girl, five year old Mari Luz Cortez has gone missing in Spain just a 90 mins drive away from where little Maddie was taken? This report here says: “It is feared the same kidnapper took both girls. Maddie vanished from an apartment in Praia da Luz on May 3.” Lunatics might be easier to handle than criminals. What’s happening here? Are children becoming easy targets for crime. What’s worse still is that the Police have not been able to solve any of these high profile cases. Just imagine the number of forgotten cases of missing children that have remained unsolved for years. It is a very scary time indeed for parents the world over.

You’d think RTM would have a heart not to broadcast the drama until both Sharlinie’s and Nurin’s cases are solved? Yes and TV3’s ‘360′ news analysis show to be broadcast next Wed at 9pm had better handle the Sharlinie case well because the little girl is still missing. Would be great though if we could find her before that so the shows producers can have a more spectacular ending. I wonder if they are searching for her in preparation for the show. Please find her instead of just merely pointing fingers at everybody including her parents and taping reactions from I don’t know who else about things that everyone already knows. Tell me something I don’t know already or better still, find her!

solat and sains

Solat and Science
Seorang professor fizik di Amerika Syarikat telah membuat satu kajian tentang kelebihan solat berjemaah yang disyariatkan dalam Islam. Katanya tubuh badan kita mengandungi dua cas elektrik iatu cas positif dan cas negatif.
Dalam aktiviti harian kita sama ada bekerja, beriadah atau berehat, sudah tentu banyak tenaga digunakan. Dalam proses pembakaran tenaga, banyak berlaku pertukaran cas positif dan cas negatif, yang menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan dalam tubuh kita.
Ketidakseimbangan cas dalam badan menyebabkan kita rasa letih dan lesu setelah menjalankan aktiviti seharian. Oleh itu cas-cas ini perlu diseimbangkan semula untuk mengembalikan kesegaran tubuh ke tahap normal.
Berkaitan dengan solat berjemaah, timbul persoalan di minda professor ini mengapa Islam mensyariatkan solat berjemah dan mengapa solat lima waktu yang didirikan orang Islam mempunyai bilangan rakaat yang tidak sama.

Timbul persoalan di fikiran professor itu tentang solat Isyak yang mengandungi 4 rakaat.Logiknya, pada waktumalam kita tidak banyak melakukan aktiviti dan sudah tentu tidak memerlukan proses pertukaran cas yang banyak.
Setelah kajian lanjut, didapati terdapat keistimewaan mengapa Allah mensyariatkan 4 rakat dalam solat Isyak. Kita sedia maklum, umat Islam amat digalakkan untuk tidur awal agar mampu bangun menunaikan tahajjud di sepertiga malam. Ringkasnya, solat Isyak sebanyak 4 rakaat itu akan menstabilkan cas dalam badan serta memberikan tenaga untuk kita bangun malam (qiamullail).Dalam kajiannya, professor ini mendapati bahawa Islam adalah satu a gama yang lengkap dan istimewa.
Segala amalan dan suruhan Allah Taala itu mempunyai hikmah ynag tersirat untuk kebaikan umat Islam itu sendiri. Belaiu merasakan betapa kerdilnya diri dan betapa hebatnya Pencipta alam ini. Akhirnya, dengan hidayah Allah beliau memeluk agama Islam.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

students life..bosan ke best???

for me, students life adalah satu time yg plg best dlm hidup....pada korang plak, mcm mn??komen sket........................